Ok so time for something personally that I love but lots of guys find trouble with and find very hard. TEXT GAME!!! Yes I said it, text game. Lots of guys have lots of different techniques and ill show you some that I personally love but if there is anything you learn about text game its about being fun, playful and different. If you haven’t noticed lots of AFC’s sending the usual text that says “hey whats up” or certain things like that. And if you have ever sent this to a girl then you have probably got the usual response “not much” or “nothing”. So the biggest thing you can do or take away from this post is the fact to just break them out of autopilot and engage their emotions whether it be laughter or something else.
Ok so lets first start with how to text a girl whos number you just got and sometimes when to text. One of the biggest questions I get all the time is when should I text a girl. I mean lots of guys get into their own head and sometimes forget when or what to text. It actually doesn’t matter when you text a girl as long as you come with the right attitude. But a usual rule of thumb to deal with any girl is give it a day or two. Because texting a little after sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. So ill usually play it safe. Ok now lets see what we are to text a girl when we first message her.
Ok so now when you first text a girl you want to text them something playful and fun like I said earlier but also certain things need to be within this first text to make it very effective!
These things are:
1. It needs to engage her emotions, causing her to re-affirm her attraction to you
2. It needs to set a fun, playful tone for the interaction to come
3. It needs to compel her to respond
So lets take a look at an example.
“Hey there Petro pants! What kind of trouble are you causing today?!?
“Hola Chicka! Yes I am starting to learn some Spanish slowly! I just realized what celebrity you remind me of…you would never guess it! :)”
Both these text have the components of an effective first text because there fun and playful, i have recalled rapport topics, and compelled her to respond!
Now some of the next techniques ill use exactly from race de preists own B4utxther because they are so creative and you will love them
Making Up Memories – The Amazing Benefits of Role-Playing
Remember when you used to play “house” with a girl you like in elementary school? You were the husband and girl you had a crush on was the wife. Or perhaps it was doctor and patient or Kind and Queen of the castle (a.k.a. the slide). Although it may have just seemed like a fun game at the time, there was some very powerful psychological principles of attraction going on there. The best part is those principles are far more effective now that you are older. In fact, the affects of successfully role-playing with a woman you are interested in are so astounding you will wonder why you haven’t been doing it all along.
The human brain has trouble distinguishing between imagined events and real memories. This is significant because every time you create an imagined event with a woman using role-playing, she is in essence creating a memory with you. The more memories you have with someone the more comfortable you feel around them. After all, are not all the relationships you have in your life formed from the feelings and bonds created through shared memories together?
When role-playing with a woman the devil is in the details. The more vivid she can imagine herself experiencing the events you describe the more powerful and “real” the memory will become. You want to pick roles where you do things together or where she is the one who is looking up to or chasing you.
Here are a few examples of role-playing ideas:
-Husband and Wife (or ex’s)
-Travel Buddies (talk about all the adventures you are going on together)
-Stalker and Victim (she is the one stalking you)
-Teacher and Student
-Rockstar and Groupie
In Action:
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:17:14 PM
Race: Did I just catch you spying on me as I was changing into my gym clothes my little stalker?!
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:17:59 PM
Selma: Yes im watchin u
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:19:46 PM
Selma: Nice ass….
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:20:45 PM
Race: Hey thanks I’ll let you grab it next time we are making out
Saturday, Dec 27 2008 at 8:23:24 PM
Selma: K im soo goin to grab it now
As you engage her with different role-playing scenarios you are also displaying an adventurous, exciting, or even possibly a slightly romantic side of your self. These can be short little interactions or, to get the most out of them, they can become a long running theme between you two. This way when you meet up again you already have a story line between you two that you can draw from at any time. I cannot stress enough how much comfort this creates!
Me4/12/08 5:22 PM
Race: Hey wanna come over here and grab some lunch wifey?
Alicia ms law student?4/12/08 5:24 PM
Alicia: i would love to but im working the bon jovi concert tonight through an agency and i have to leave at 4! :0( thank you so much tho! xo
Me4/12/08 5:25 PM
Race: Well us not seeing each other very often is putting a definite strain on our marriage:-(
Alicia ms law student?4/12/08 5:28 PM
Alicia: i know! i cry myself to sleep at night…. 6 more days til we go on our double honeymoon!
Equally as significant, role playing allows her to let go of some of her insecurities and open up more than usual. Because she is ‘playing a role’ of somebody else she can use that as plausible deniability. After all it really ‘isn’t her’. When in all actuality, the things she jokes about (for the most part) are actually an outlet for how she really feels. And again, because it is a role and “not her”, she isn’t worried about being judged. She can pass that off to the character she is playing into.
Playfully Tease Her
Another good technique is to tease her playfully every once in a while. Keep it light and silly. This helps lower her defenses by showing you don’t place her up on a pedestal but see her on the same level. A typical guy who was interested in her would never do this. It also makes her have to explain her self to you, confirming in her mind that you are someone she finds valuable. Be very careful with these when you are just starting off, as it is easy to go overboard and say something mean. Never directly insult a girl. They are used to that from all those other guys who get their feelings hurt when she tests them or when she doesn’t talk to them. You are not one of those guys. This is to be fun and playful…it is flirting not hurting.
“You’re a closet dork aren’t you?..except without the closet ~”
“Come on now… you have work today huh…? Sure it isn’t mandatory community service!? A cute, yet sassy gal who’s a felon… who woulda knew!? Hahah ”
“Awww you’re kinda cute…for a girl ”
If she ever has problems with her car, phone, or any thing she pays monthly for you can say:
“Its cool if you couldn’t afford to pay your bill-I’m not judging you… that much… hahaha j/k “
If she ever suggests a time to meet up (eg 6pm):
“no that’s too early…dont wanna be stuck with ya that long! Let’s do 6:03 haha ”
If she ever gives you a compliment:
“That is the nicest thing anyone has ever told me … Since I woke up:-)”
In Action:
Katelyn Sunday, Dec 14 2008 at 2:21:35 PM
Katelyn: Ohhhhh that’s right you’re that cool. Forgot for a moment who I was talking too. Haha. Glad I’m one of 6000+ girls you talk to but really none will compare.
Kelly Sunday, Dec 14 2008 at 2:23:33 PM
Kelly: Hahaha u seem pretty cool . Still got my eye on you though. So no funny business
Katelyn Sunday, Dec 14 2008 at 2:28:49 PM
Katelyn: I’m the coolest may even top you sir. Yeah you shld keep an eye on me most guys tend to. Good thinking. Haha
Kelly Sunday, Dec 14 2008 at 3:58:15 PM
Kelly: You’re funny. Did u have like a big stain on your shirt or something?! Hahaha U r kinda adorable..
After she responds, no matter how she reacts, stay in a lighthearted manner. Be sensitive to whether you are offending her or not. Sometimes you can unintentionally strike a nerve and hurt her feelings. If this happens, don’t be overly apologetic. Casually apologize, say you were joking, and redirect the frame of the conversation by talking about something less serious.
Check Yes or No
I still remember when a girlfriend of mine invited me to watch movies at her house in cutest way. Just like the notes I would get in gradeschool from a girl who was into me, she asked me to check yes or no.
“Would you like to come over tomorrow & watch movies with me? Check [ ]yes or [ ]no”
A funny way of altering it is to take away the no so her only options are to hang out with you.
“Would you like to come over tomorrow & watch movies with me? Check [ ]yes or [ ]heck yes!
This is a great way to invite a girl who you have already gone out with on several occasions and had a great time.
The Odd Time Technique
A funny little to do when inviting a girl out is use an unusual time. Most people think in 15 min increments. Instead when you are giving her a time to meet make it an odd time like 7:03 or 9:47. This is another way to make her laugh and set you apart.
Example #1
Monday, Dec 22 2008 at 10:37:48 AM
Race: I am thinking 9:03 tonight
Monday, Dec 22 2008 at 10:39:02 AM
Lola: Why not 902? Where?
Monday, Dec 22 2008 at 10:40:12 AM
Race: That would be waaaay too early! I don’t want you to be waiting around all night! At exchange bar
Monday, Dec 22 2008 at 10:45:52 AM
Lola: To think one min earlier what was i thinking. So whos going?
Example #2
8/14/08 9:57 PM
Lisa: Will do! Think u can give me an approx. time? It will help me plan my escape….
Me8/14/08 11:36 PM
Race: 9:07
8/14/08 11:49 PM
Lisa: Hmmm….9:07 doesn’t work 4 me. How about 9:10? :-p
Me8/14/08 11:56 PM
Race: That’s waaaay to late…the party will b over by then
8/15/08 12:02 AM
Lisa: Wow…the elusive 3 min. party. Fine….I can meet u @ 9:08 & 22 sec. but not a moment sooner.
Ok so at the end of these techniques is the thought of breaking her out of autopilot and leading a fun interaction for her. Trust me when you do this so she is going to smile and love texting you because your so fun.
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