Look around in a normal way. Don't start looking at girl up and down and staring at their body. They feel this shit and its pretty needy and stupid to do so. Its like you desire her and you wont get her this way for sure. Try to get eye contact, if you do and she holds it smile and walk towards her. If you don't get eye contact don't worry still open her and work your game. Nothing should stop you.
If you pass by a girl you like brushing her so she notices you its a good thing, also tapping on her like you are going to tell her something and saying something like excuse me and move forward its very strong. If she does give you puppy eyes go for it. Touching her with backhand to backhand contact its nice and lefts her thing whether you did it on purpose or not. She will also start consistently looking at you which may get other girls to do the same.
When you open you get one of 3 responses. A neutral or shy response, a negative response or a good response. As soon as you get that response opening is pretty much done. So why are we so scared of opening if its just a couple second interaction? Rejection. Like it or not many of the so called PUAs are attention seeking, insecure, validation whores. For many that's the reason they play the game. To seek female validation that they never got early on in their lives.
Lets talk about those 3 responses.
1. Good response: she laughs, starts contributing to the topic, asks you questions. Very easy to keep it going and go wherever you want to go with to. I suggest you turn it sexual immediately. Work Kino and work towards a kiss.
2. Bad response: this is the second best thing that can happen, she says something negative, you show confidence, non needyness and you just answer back with something clever. If you manage to turn her around, you pretty much got her. Very easy to close her if you turn her around. If you dont you know shes a bitch and just keep opening other girls. No frustration over somebody that you spend less than a minute talking with. Strong body language, don't show Indicators of Interest(IOI) and your goal must be to either use humor or neg her. One of those would
3. Shy response: I fucking hate this! This is definitely the worst thing that could happen. One word answers, you feel like you are pulling teeth with her, she acts very shy and it fucking sucks. Working for comfort here is the key. Use submissive body language and show you are not a threat. Look at her in the eyes so she knows you are not lying. Don't Kino her a lot yet, give her a break to get accustomed to your presence. Don't get very close to her either. Mix humor with seriousness and you may get her. Don't expect to do with things with her. If shes is a shy girl its probably going to be hard to crack her open.
We use a technique that consists of talking to every single girl that passes in front of us. This is great, shows you are very social, we have landed several girls this way. Just using fun/funny lines gets the job done. We have used the " every time you touch me its $10" line, ive negged a couple girls that were pushing of being rough and it was worked like a charm too. Its a matter of opening everything you have around. Being fun, looking around and observing what going on around you. Once you develop the observing part and coming up with something funny you will have success.
About the infamous 3 sec rule: it wasn't invented so that you gotta do it in that period of time, its more of a suggestion. A guideline so you dont choke or sit there the whole night waiting for the miraculous moment when you are supposed to succeed and you still fail and accomplish nothing when that happens. So true it happened to me last night, opened a set, that I had been looking at for a while, had locked eye contact and everything. I FAILED. I walking towards the bartender and I see a girl I like and I went for it at that exact moment like 1 second later and halfway through the interaction SHE was asking for my number. Asked me to please call her so we could go out alone this weekend(she was there with 4 or 5 female friends). We also danced and we had a lot of fun. Very solid #close. I didn't use canned lines or anything like it, just pure me being myself, being fun and being THE MAN.
Key qualities you should work on:
- being funny
- looking around and knowing whats going on
- be fun, have a big legitimate smile on your face
- have fun, even in defeat you learn and you grow
- while some "gurus" want you to believe you gotta be the center of the universe, you gotta listen to the hints the girl throws at you, so lean back, relax and catch those hints
- dance around stay where the greater concentration of women is
- don't rationalize it and open the sets
Like anything in life, practice makes perfection. You gotta practice, practice, practice some more until you get the groove of things and you succeed. Good luck and If you got any question post it here in the comments.
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