I've been kinda skeptic about it and I've seen people being skeptic about it. I wanted to find somebody that would do it, instead I will be the one doing this experiment of faith. Since I know I'm pretty good at it right now, I dont think I wont go to a point of no return if this method were to royally fuck my game. Instead of going for natural game where beauty is more "important" i decided im going to work with the Mystery Method for the next couple of months.
Since Ive heard of people being successful with it, I've decided to take it as a training wheels sort of thing and go for it and report back with my findings. This should be easy. Everything is pretty much scripted. This should be a great training tool for newbies. Except the crazy rules. Those ill ignore.
I will report my progress. By November i should have a verdict. Be sure to comment on my experiment.
There is so much misinformation and so many bogus products surrounding penis enlargement that when they discover the solution, no one will believe. So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger. As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger. The question is not whether permanent enlargement is possible but instead, how do you safely stress penile tissue to promote cell growth? The answers can be found at MagnumRings.com