sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Solo sarging, THIS is how to go to the next level!!!

Solo sarging is not easy at all. If you want to push your boundaries and you want to get to the next level, this is what you gotta do. WHY? because solo sarging pushes yourself into a harder position. It makes you go into an uncomfortable state where the only way out is by becoming a better man.

Did I chose to do solo sarging? NO, my wingman is out of the city for a couple weeks and I HAD to do it or stay at home like a pussy all this time. With my wing there are many things that are easier, first you got a person telling you what you could be doing wrong, observing you, you got a person that helps you get into that state of happiness and opening everywhere and if I open a set he helps and if he does I help and most of those times we get a decent target out of the deal.

Solo ain't that bad, I gotta say Ive had a great time! Ive gotten numbers, plenty of dances and I've opened a lot of sets. aaarrrrgggg this gets me fucking mad, I had the girl I could have laid. Fucking DJ changing the music when she was getting aroused by our dancing. Anyways, SS(solo sarging) is very rewarding.

So what do I do?

  • I run my game as usual not many changes. 
  • I enter the pub like I'm the man, well I AM THE MAN
  • I used to say look like you have fun until I tried it, now I say, you gotta have fun, if not why would I do it?
  • You gotta be social, talk to the bartenders, to the staff, to the people around you.
  • If you don't want to look like you are alone, stand side to side to someone and ask that person something, you'll see that it will look like you are with someone
  • Anyways most people are not looking for that, most are there to have fun, but since you are there to get girls and you exhibit the best behavior for the girls, some may look at you and you don't want to look like a creep.
  • Open sets, left and right, open, open and open. That's the reason you are there, to meet girls and have fun.
  • At first its going to feel weird and you may feel bad, that's you going outside your comfort zone and working towards becoming a better seducer.
Yes sometime during the sarge some girl may ask the dreaded question: Where are your friends?
 I told her they decided to go home early because they were bored and I was having a lot of fun and stayed. You can also tell her that they are somewhere else, the pub down the street or something like that. This is kinda a shit test. Answer right and keep going.

At the end of the night I don't stay around, plenty of fights have broken out over stupid shit, If the place is kinda unsafe GO HOME. Hopefully you get to go home with some company!!!


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